Listen this story once in order to get rid of Kaal in Vaishakh month
Listen this story once in order to get rid of Kaal in Vaishakh month

Baishakh has started. Vaishakh is the second month of the year according to the Hindu calendar and it is considered very auspicious from the religious point of view. A Mahatmya Katha related to the month of Vaishakh is also very popular, which if heard, gives benefits. So let's know the story to be heard in the month of Vaishakh.

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Story - Yamraj once told a Brahmin that there was a king named Mahirath long ago, he got divine grace due to good deeds of previous birth, but the king left all the weight of the kingdom to the ministers and life itself in enjoyment and luxury. He did not mean anything to the people nor did he ever do religious work, the king's mind was engrossed in the game of the Kaminis, the king's coronation named Kashyap, he thought that the teacher who was not on the right path to his disciple. If he could get it, then that guru also becomes a partaker of the sins of his disciples. Rajpurohit told the king that I am your guru, so you should obey me but the king always talked about his guru. He used to cry, Kashyap has told the king, Rajan, you have never done any religious work, you only indulge in lust, do you not know that in the end time only your religion will work for you. Rajpurohit said that after you leave this world only your deeds will go with you, then you are unnecessarily involved in fascination with wife, son, family, etc. No one will go with you in the last journey and the path through which you will finally travel there. Nothing will be found.

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The person who stays away from addiction suffers from heaven and all the problems in life arise from addiction, Kashyap said, "King, Vaishakh month destroys all the sins of a person, so you fast the Vaishakh month with complete law." Take a bath in the morning and meditate on Lord Madhusudan, by doing this, all the sins of a person are destroyed.

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Then the king worshiped according to Rajpurohit in the manner described, but Kaal's eyes fell on the king and the king died weakly. Then the messenger of Yamraj and the messenger of Lord Vishnu arrived to pick him up, the messengers of Lord Vishnu told the messengers of Yama that the king had become a god and all his sins had been destroyed by bathing in Vaisakh daily. On the way to hell, Baikuntha Dham started to be taken. On the way, the king saw all the tortures in hell, the messengers said who does not do righteousness, indulges in sin and If someone does not help, then he has to suffer the miseries of sin. Then the messengers said that you should not stop here because you have to go to heaven. The king asked which such deeds I have done, because of which he was brought from this path and due to which deeds he is being taken to Baikuntha.

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Then the messengers said that he used to indulge in lust for all his life, did not do any religious work, so he came by this route, but in the last 3 years he duly worshiped in the month of Vaishakh, which destroyed his sins. Therefore, the person who meditates on Lord Madhusudan in Vaishakh month, takes bath and meditation every day, he gets free from all sins.

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