One of the most awaited movie of Bollywood industry, Veere Di Wedding will soon hit the big screen. The movie features four divas including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Shikha Talsania and Swara Bhasker in lead roles. Right now the team of the movie is busy in the promotions spree. It will be watched in the movie theatres from June 1, 2018.
On Saturday, the makers of the movie launched all-new song, Aa Jao Naa. The song has been sung by the all-time famous singer Arijit Singh which portraits Sonam Kapoor’s character Avni supporting Kareena Kapoor Khan’s character as she goes through a difficult time in her life. It also shows the group of friends who are trying to cheer up Kareena's character Kalindi Puri as she calls off her marriage.
The new song has been launched by Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhasker and Shikha Talsania in Delhi today at an event. In the event, the Bollywood stars also interacted with the media. They grooved on stage to other peppy tracks from the film.
Meanwhile, the art direction and the costume designing in the movie will be amazing as we can observe it in the trailer. However, there is nothing more to it. The treatment of the film is more from the female point of view. This new twist can be a refreshing change for the audience. Veere Di Wedding releases on June 1, 2018.
Watch the song here: