New Delhi: On Monday, the Patiala House Court refused the order in the 2002 extortion case. The court refused the order due to unavailability of the concerned judge. This order has passed nearly after two weeks from the final arguments which were presented before a Delhi Court in the aforementioned case against noted gangster Abu Salem.
According to Salem's early claims, the prosecution did not have enough evidence against him in the case. After this, a fresh production warrant was issued against him in February. Through his lawyer, the gangster had also claimed that his trial in the case violated an order by which he was extradited to India from Portugal in 2005.
In the related order, Salem is facing trial for allegedly demanding Rs 5 crore as protection money from Delhi businessman Ashok Gupta in 2002. While he has already been granted bail in the case. While he has already been granted bail in the case, he continues to be in jail for his involvement in various other cases, including the serial blasts which rocked Mumbai in 1993.
Abu Salem born in Azamgarh district, Uttar Pradesh is also known as Aqil Ahmed Azmi. He is a gangster and terrorist convicted to the 25 years life sentence.