Flipkart's board has approved WalMart $ 15 billion (about Rs 1 lakh crore) deal. In this way, WalMart led group will get a 75 percent stake in Flipkart. Under the proposed deal, Softbank Group Corp has agreed to sell its full 20% stake in Flipkart. Under the deal, the valuation of the company has been fixed at around $ 20 billion. However, no information has yet been formally disclosed in this case. News Agency Reuters has given this information.
Under another development, Google's parent company, Alphabet Ink, could also join Wal-Mart in this investment. However, the final decision, in this case, will be taken in the next 10 days. Things are not yet fixed on the nature of the deal. From this deal, Wal-Mart has won a big victory over another American company Amazon.
Amazon has been trying to acquire Finkalart for a long time. But the board of the FPCL finally gave final approval to the deal with Wal-Mart. It is believed that Wal-Mart will not be able to take regulatory approvals because Amazon is the number two e-commerce company in India and the Fifcart number one.
After this deal, the country of 1.3 billion people could be established by the Kingston of Wal-Mart. Reputation in the company's online market will also increase. Significantly, Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, has long fought against the Amazon. Wal-Mart knows that India is the most important market for America after China and China.
In China, foreign companies have not achieved anything, especially against Alibaba. Along with Softbank, Flipkart and Wal-Mart have also not responded to this deal. Amazon has strengthened its position in the Indian e-commerce market in recent times. He also tried his best to get rid of Wal-Mart and Flipkart Deal, so that his colonel was established. According to information from sources, under this deal, Flipkart's current investor can maintain a small stake in Tencent Holdings Limited, South Africa's Naspers Limited, and Microsoft Corp Company.
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