Why are only white clothes worn during Hajj? Know the rules
Why are only white clothes worn during Hajj? Know the rules

In recent days, the Hajj pilgrimage has been a topic of widespread discussion. This pilgrimage is one of the five essential pillars of Islam, alongside Tawhid (belief in the oneness of God), Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Zakat (charity). It is mandatory for physically and financially capable Muslims to undertake Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Every year, millions of Muslims travel to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia for this sacred journey.

Significance of White Garments

During the Hajj pilgrimage, it is common to see pilgrims dressed in white garments. Wearing white clothes, known as Ihram, is a significant tradition observed during Hajj. Ihram symbolizes purity and equality before God. Male pilgrims specifically wear two unstitched white sheets of cloth, while women can wear any loose-fitting and modest attire, typically of any color.

Understanding 'Ihram'

The term 'Ihram' signifies a state of spiritual purity and commitment to abstain from worldly indulgences and sins. It marks the pilgrims' readiness to present themselves before Allah. This attire is worn from the point of entering the state of Ihram until the completion of Hajj rituals.

Duration of the Pilgrimage

Hajj spans over five days and culminates with the celebration of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), also known as Bakrid. Each country has allocated quotas for Hajj pilgrims based on their Muslim population size. Indonesia typically receives the largest quota, followed by Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nigeria. Other countries such as Iran, Turkey, Egypt, and Ethiopia also contribute significant numbers of pilgrims.

Historical Significance

The pilgrimage traces its origins back to the year 628 CE when Prophet Muhammad led around 1,400 of his followers from Medina to Mecca. This journey reestablished the religious practices of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his family. It remains a central tenet of Islamic faith and unity. The Hajj pilgrimage continues to be a profound spiritual journey for Muslims worldwide, symbolizing unity, devotion, and submission to God. It underscores the shared heritage and religious commitment of the global Muslim community.

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