Will there be a ban on 'Halal products' across the country? PIL filed in Supreme Court
Will there be a ban on 'Halal products' across the country? PIL filed in Supreme Court

New Delhi: A PIL has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking a nationwide ban on Halal certified products and withdrawal of Halal certificate. It has been said in the petition that only 15 percent of the Muslim minority wants 'Halal' food. Therefore, the remaining 85 percent people are being forced to eat it. According to the petitioner, this is a violation of fundamental rights under Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution.

Petitioner lawyer Vibhor Anand has filed this public interest litigation in the apex court. It states that for the fundamental rights given under Article 14, 21 of the Constitution of India, petitions are being filed on behalf of 85 percent of the citizens of the country, because their rights are being violated. For 15 per cent of the country's population, the remaining 85 per cent are being forced to consume Halal products against their will.

In the PIL, the court has been told that the process of Halal certification started in India in 1974. Although it was initially limited to meat products. Later it expanded to other products including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, health products, toiletries and medical devices. The petition said that now there are many things including Halal-friendly tourism, medical tourism, warehouse certification, restaurant certification and training.

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