Here's what to do workouts from home during lockdown
Here's what to do workouts from home during lockdown

Prime Minister has extended the period of lock-down in the entire country of India for 21 days, it means that for the next 21 days, neither the gym will be open nor the ground will be practiced, which will also have a direct effect on health. It is important for every player to continue to practice for his good health, but may not be able to do it now due to the lockdown. But you do not have to be disappointed because today we are sharing with you some tips for exercising from home i.e. home-based exercises which not only the players but also the common people can follow and maintain their health, so what time Let's know about this.

Burpese For this exercise, you just have to lie down on the ground and get up early. Do this continuously for 2 minutes. If you feel tired in the middle, you can take a break of 10 seconds, but try not to take more breaks than that. This exercise will strengthen both your arm and chest. Within a few days you will know the difference. Riplight push-ups Position the ground just as you would a normal push-up. In this exercise, keep one leg in your knee and bend it in the air. Now start doing push-ups. Do as many push-ups as you can by lifting one leg, as many push-ups as you do by lifting the other leg. If you want, you can also do this exercise by constantly changing legs. This will cause blood circulation.

Overhead triceps stretches stand upright on the ground for this. Now move the left hand towards the back of the head and try to touch the middle part of the back. After this, hold the elbow of the left hand with the right hand and pull it towards the head. Hold for one second in this state. Then repeat it with the other hand. While doing this exercise, one thing must be kept in mind that your hands are close to the ear.

Cross-body shoulder stretch Straighten your waist and sit comfortably on the floor. After this, hold the elbow of the left hand with the right hand and move it backwards. Move it back until the chest feels cramped. While doing this exercise, one thing must be kept in mind that your elbow is equal to your shoulder. In this state, stop for 10 seconds and then come to the first stage. After that repeat it with the other hand. High nees cause pain in the feet and knees while working all day for the feet. In this exercise, bring the knee of your leg to the front of your chest. Do this continuously by alternating the feet and take a break of 10 seconds between exercises. Apart from your legs, this exercise will also strengthen your hips.

Do for Thai Muscles . To strengthen the muscles of Lange and Squat Legs, do several variations of the squat. The calories of feet and Thai can be reduced. Thai can be warmed up by Charlie Chaplin Squat, Tow Squat, Wide Squat. If you have heavy weight exercises, then you can do these exercises by sitting on your partner's shoulders. Apart from this, by increasing the regular repetitions of these exercises, you can also maintain your muscles.

With the help of these exercises, you can keep your body fit in these lock downs and also keep your health, so stay at home and stay fit.

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