Wow ! This kid has a best friend named 'Monkey' !
Wow ! This kid has a best friend named 'Monkey' !

While a human being is becoming an enemy today, a one and a half year old boy in Hubli, Karnataka has made friends with monkeys. This child plays with these monkeys throughout the day. He feeds these monkeys everyday.

The family of the child says that every morning, at six o'clock in the morning, the monkey wakes the child from sleep. After this the monkeys play with the child throughout the day. In return, the child feeds them. After playing with the child and eating, the monkey goes away from there. The child is very happy with these monkeys and the monkeys have an attachment to the child too. No monkey tries to harm the child. Family members say that monkeys never tried to hurt or cut the child.

Many monkeys sit beside them every morning and keep playing with them for a long time. Initially, the child's mother was scared. But then when they saw that the child is enjoying it and the monkey is treated well with the child, then he is scared. Now his child plays with monkeys and he is restless and engaged in the work of his house. This unique friendship of monkeys and children is becoming very famous.

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