Know what is deadly 'Zika virus', its symptoms, and prevention
Know what is deadly 'Zika virus', its symptoms, and prevention

The coronavirus is yet to end the outbreak of Zika virus infection started. It is a mosquito-borne viral infection. Yes, under the information received, it is spread by the Aedes species of mosquitoes. Tell you that Aedes mosquitoes also spread dengue and chikungunya viruses. Eating the blood of a person infected with the Zika virus infects the person and the mosquito then infects other people with its bite. Pregnant women are most at risk of the Zika virus. If it is infected, the baby born from her can develop microcephaly. Microcephaly is a rare birth defect in which the baby's head is smaller than expected, causing brain development problems.



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Zika virus symptoms-


Lack of headache strength

Muscle and joint pain

physical weakness

red eye

It is said that most people recover from the Zika virus without complications. But yes, the Zika virus can cause microcephaly and other birth defects in children born to infected women when pregnant, preventing diagnosis.



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How to avoid Zika virus - There is no specific treatment for Zika virus infection. However, symptoms of infection can be treated. Like your doctor or pharmacist can give medicines for fever and headache. It may also advise you to take rest and liquid to help you recover. Keep in mind that you avoid mosquitoes. It stays close to dark, moist places and dirty water. Mosquitoes can be both inside and outside the house. You should apply mosquito nets to avoid them. Stay in a clean place. Also, apply sunscreen first, and then apply insect repellent. You can circumvent all these measures.

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