In Tamil Nadu, 1,608 new cases of corona have been confirmed in the last 24 hours. Today the total number of victims has increased to 26,33,839. There are currently 16,473 people in treatment in the state.In Chennai alone, the corona has been confirmed for 197 people today, bringing the total impact to 546253. So far 536060 people have been discharged in Chennai. 8427 people were killed.
In Coimbatore, 212 people have been confirmed infected today, bringing the total number of cases to 238,766. So far 234285 people have been discharged. 2297People have been killed. Meanwhile, The Centre is also expecting Zydus Cadila’s needle-free coronavirus vaccine ZyCoV-D to be available in early October. It will be the first vaccine in India which would be administered in the age group of 12-18 years.
India reported 28,591 new Coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, taking its overall Covid-19 tally to 3,32,36,921, according to data from the Union Health Ministry on Sunday. With 338 fatalities, India’s Covid-19 death toll also climbed to 4,42,655. The number of active cases declined by 6,595 in a span of 24 hours to stand at 3,84,921, and now accounts for 1.16% of India’s total infections, the health ministry said.
Source of Nipah Virus yet to be identified: Kerala health minister Veena George
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