The Holi Milan ceremony was held on 12th March,Saturday at Renu Devi's (Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar) residence at Supriya Road (Bettiah). The programme was attended by BJP state president Dr Sanjay Jaiswal, former MLA Prakash Rai and hundreds of people from the city and BJP workers. At the ceremony, the colors of gulal flew fiercely and people tasted the delicious delicacies. The Deputy Chief Minister greeted the visitors on the occasion of Holi, the festival of colors of gulal. The same people took blessings from the Deputy Chief Minister by wishing them on Holi.
Renu Devi is the 5th Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar but the first woman to hold the post.
At the ceremony, Celebrity Abhiishek Mohta was spotted. In one of the pictures shared on Social Media, we can see Abhiishek is sitting next to the Deputy CM.
Sources says, Abhiishek was traveling to Kathmandu (Nepal) and he got an invitation from the Deputy CM of Bihar.
Abhiishek Mohta is a known face in the Television Industry. He has worked as a Casting Director for many Tv shows, Web series and AD Films. And now he is all set to make his debut as an actor for the upcoming Bollywood Movie, Ice Cream 2.
In 2019, he was on the list of India's Top 10 Contemporary Romance Authors for his book named "Once Upon Us”.
Abhiishek was recently seen in a Music Video, Tu Hai Wahi: featuring Actress Shezali Sharma (Popular Television Actress).
The actor became the heartthrob of millions with the release of the song "Tu Hai Wahi" and people are now excited to see his more acting skills in his upcoming movie.
The Deputy Chief Minister was seen in the role of elder sister at the Holi Milan ceremony. People from all caste-creed were seen painted in the colours of Holi by removing discrimination. Deputy Chief Minister Renu Devi said that Holi, the festival of colors, is a festival of love, brotherhood, gaiety and mutual harmony. This festival gives us the message of unity and love.
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