Adjoa Andoh reveals she is not embarrassed by intimate scenes in 'Bridgerton'
Adjoa Andoh reveals she is not embarrassed by intimate scenes in 'Bridgerton'

Adjoa Andoh, who plays Lady Danbury in the Netflix series "Bridgerton," claims the show's sex scenes do not bother her. "I wasn't surprised," she remarked. I learnt a lot about history and sex through my mother's Georgette Heyer and Jean Plaidy library novels."

In the next season of the programme, Andoh's character will "look beautiful and be fabulous." Despite her refusal to provide storey specifics, Andoh stated that fans should anticipate more of the same from Lady Danbury, according to the media. "I can't tell you anything because they'll take me out and shoot me," she explained. She continues to look fabulous and be fabulous and be her usual plotty, strategic, gusto-ing self. "She's a force of nature and when she sets her hat at something she goes for it."

Andoh revealed that her on-screen character is similar to her real-life self as well as her mother. "There's a certain swagger which Lady Danbury has in the way she dresses, which is very definitely my mom, who loves a hat - as do I," the actress told the Daily Star newspaper. Rege-Jean Page, meanwhile, would be a huge loss on the set of 'Bridgerton,' Adjoa reveals. Adjoa, who was born in London and portrayed the Duke of Hastings in season one of the Netflix historical drama, said that he will be missed on set, despite the fact that his departure makes sense for the story's narrative.

She stated, " "We're following Julia Quinn's wonderful novels' overarching framework. There are eight children in the 'Bridgerton' family: one is already dead, and the other seven are still alive. Anthony Bridgerton is the second season's protagonist, so there you have it. That is the show's arc. Rege is loved by everybody, and he will be missed by all."

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