This foundation eradicated more than four and a half crore people in lockdown
This foundation eradicated more than four and a half crore people in lockdown

Crores of people do not get enough food every day in the world. This crisis has deepened during Covid-19. Feeding the family has become the biggest challenge in front of many people. However, in this darkness, many organizations holding the torch of light are quietly feeding people. In India, Akshaya Patra Foundation has also come forward to help people in this crisis. Since the first lockdown, this organization has fed more than four and a half crore people. At 55 places in the country, Akshay cooks food in Patra's kitchen and pacifies the apps of empty stomach.

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In the year 2000, Akshaya eligible started by feeding mid-day meal to 1500 children of 5 schools. Padmashri Madhu Pandit Das, president of ISKCON temple in Bengaluru, saw that some children come to the temple daily and eat. When asked, the children told that we study in school. The family is poor. Stuffed food is available here. After this the Akshaya Patra Foundation started. Today it is the world's largest (non-profit) midday meal program. Provides daily food to 18 lakh children from 19,039 schools in 12 states and two union territories. Its name is recorded in Limca Book of Records and it believes that no child should be deprived of education due to hunger.

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During the Covid crisis many people have to go hungry due to lockdown and no work. When many such people faced a crisis of livelihood, Akshay Patra extended a helping hand. Till May 13, 4 crore 84 lakh people were served food by Akshaya Patra. In this, Akshaya Patra alone served 4 crore 14 lakh people and associate organizations provided food to 69 lakh people. This number is continuously increasing.

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