Amazing recipe to make sugar free Grilled Almond Burfee
Amazing recipe to make  sugar free Grilled Almond Burfee

Sweets are a special part of the celebrations. But something which stops us to enjoy delicious sweets is their sugar content therefore today we bring you the recipe of Sugar-Free Grilled Almond Burfee.  Its a very easy and amazing recipe to make tasty and healthy Almond Burfee at home .


500 gms khoya, 40 gms sugar free and 1 cup almonds (crushed), roasted


1. Grate the khoya and keep aside.

2.Heat a pan and add khoya, now add 40 g of sugar free and cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes.

3.Remove from fire and mix in roasted and crushed almonds. Immediately transfer to individual serving dish.

4.Sprinkle the remaining sugar free on top. Place the dish in a hot oven at 200 C with heat only from top and allow the sugar to caramelize.

5.Remove and serve immediately.

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