Worldwide, this language can be called global language
Worldwide, this language can be called global language

Music is a global language worldwide. Researchers have proved this through a study. He says that there is an interconnection between the music of every region of the world. This association is with the emotions of humans. Researchers said that songs and music prevalent in different languages and caste groups around the world exhibit the same pattern of behavior. This shows that human culture is built everywhere from common psychological feelings.

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The first time in this study published in the Science Journal, scientific analysis of similarities and differences in the types of song music of different places and groups of the world has been done. This study has also covered more than 100 studies on historical and cultural songs and folklore of more than 300 societies all over the world. Researchers at Harvard University in the US also recorded about 5000 songs from 60 cultures spread across thirty different geographic regions worldwide.

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Along with this, the researchers also inquired about the period of the singing of folk songs of different cultures, the use of instruments, etc. The study showed that music in societies is associated with behaviors such as childcare, healing, dance, love, mourning, and warfare. According to researchers, these behaviors are not very different among different societies. While examining the songs, the researchers found that the music features in the songs sharing the same sentiments. Manveer Singh, a co-author of this study, said that the songs of lullabies and dance are omnipresent and they are also very conservative. He told that the dance songs and lullabies are completely different from each other.

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