Arvind Kejriwal exchange blow with and Amarinder Singh on Twitter
Arvind Kejriwal  exchange blow with and Amarinder Singh on Twitter

NEW DELHI: Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh and his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal exchange blow on Twitter over rising pollution levels in Delhi-NCR, because of surrounded by other things, burning of crop stubble in Haryana and Punjab.

 CM Amarinder Singh decisively conveyed there's nonentity he can do to ease the situation and said a solution has to come from the Centre. Kejriwal asked if they can just have a discussion. And Singh refused him, repeating again that Punjab is "helpless".

Delhi-NCR has been fighting with terrible smog since Tuesday. The smog is being reasoned not just by stubble burning, but also by toxic and excessive emissions from vehicles and uncontrolled construction. However, stubble burning and a drop in temperatures have made worse the pollution to near noxious levels.

Now the Crazy-walls blame Show ongoing, renunciation his own responsibility, and trumping his odd even trick as Delhi redeemer, a story for AAP fans.

Kejriwal's tweet prompted Singh to spur-of-the-moment back.

"Centre alone can solve the problem given its national implications,"  CM Singh tweeted.

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