Ayushmann Khurrana, a famous actor in the entertainment world, has left for Prayagraj to shoot for the next scheduled movie Doctor G. Though he is shooting for a movie in the city for the first time, Ayushmann is closely associated with Prayagraj. He left UP city when he participated in the hit teen reality television show Roadies, for which he became the winner.
Ayushmann explains, "I have always wanted to travel in all directions of my beautiful country and fortunately I am fortunate to be able to do so because of my profession. I am shooting for the first time in Prayagraj for a film. When I was participating in The Roadies, incidentally, I left this city and shot for the series.'' Ayushmann said that he was fascinated by the beauty of Prayagraj while shooting for Roadies Season 2.
He further said, "I still remember how I was spellbound on its history, heritage, and architecture. Prayagraj is the confluence of the three rivers - Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati - and I was deeply impressed by its charming beauty. I will shoot again in this beautiful city and I am eagerly waiting for that moment. Shooting in Prayagraj will be an emotional experience for the poster boy of content cinema who gives back to back eight hit movies in theatres.'' He explained, ''It will bring me a flood of emotions and nostalgia."
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