Career is not made by degrees alone, take care of these things also
Career is not made by degrees alone, take care of these things also

The first ladder to achieving good career growth is a good degree. Every student strengthens the foundation of his career by enrolling in a good college or university. They do a lot of research for that also. What course are they interested in, what they want to do in the future, which university will be better, what is the faculty there, what is the guarantee of job placement? Special attention is paid to things like that. This leads to career growth. That is what is changing now. Companies judge a good degree as well as the creative skills of the candidate before hiring someone. If you want to shortlist your CV in a company, collect all kinds of information related to your field. From career workshops to internships, you can give a new direction to your career.

Advice from a career counselor is required:-
Be it making your CV good, writing a cover letter or knowing the best career option for yourself, consult your university professor or career counselor. Many universities offer internships or placement opportunities and also apply for training before that. Be sure to get information about placements for a good job.

Mentor session to help:-
It is necessary to talk to experienced people to succeed in any sector. Get to know about your area from them. The mentor session is attended by field experts who can teach you the essentials. It can be effective to move forward in your career by consulting an expert. You can also learn how to apply for a job in the mentor session of your area.

Internship will prove beneficial:-
Internships are necessary to make CV better and attractive. New things are learnt by working with experienced people in internships. Going to the workplace helps develop soft skills that will help you succeed in your career. Internships are normally about 3 to 6 months old. Since the Corona epidemic, many companies have also been offering virtual internships, which can be done from their homes.

Increase skills from online courses:-
Since Corona, many students have started taking courses online, which helps a lot. You can develop your own soft skills and communication skills, but online courses are better for adding skills to CV. Many portals offer free courses. You can see your field career options to choose a course and take courses with the skills required in it. You can write a diploma in these courses in your CV, which will lead to good impressions on HR.

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