Mumbai: The Shinde government in Maharashtra is on the opposition's mark these days due to the slipping of two big projects from Maharashtra to Gujarat. The Tata-Airbus project, which was recently finalised in Nagpur, also slipped out of the hands of the Maharashtra government and went to Vadodara in Gujarat. After this development, it came to light that BJP MP from Nagpur and Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari had written a letter to TATA Sons Chairman N Chandrasekaran. According to sources, Gadkari, in a letter dated October 7, had stated how the state had built an SEZ at MIHAN (multi-modal international hub airport in Nagpur). Gadkari had advocated how land, manpower and godowns would prove beneficial for the Tata group.
The Chairman of TATA Sons has responded to union minister Nitin Gadkari's letter. In a counter-letter on October 19, Chandrasekaran told Gadkari, "Our team will definitely be in touch with the members of the Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VEDC). The Tata group keeps evaluating new investment opportunities. In his letter, Gadkari cited things like infrastructure, availability of land and connectivity and said tata group companies can invest in businesses like steel, auto, consumer products, IT services, and aviation in Nagpur.''
According to sources, Tata had already decided to go to Gujarat in view of the political instability in Maharashtra. Since 2021, there have been several allegations of corruption against the current ministers of the MVA government. Home Minister Anil Deshmukh was accused in the MVA government. He was arrested for his role in the Antilla case and corruption charges. Nawab Malik was also arrested by the ED.
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