Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Anniversary, Know the 2nd ruler of Maratha Empire
Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Anniversary, Know the 2nd ruler of Maratha Empire

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was the second ruler of the Maratha Empire, which was founded by his father, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He was born on May 14, 1657, and succeeded his father after his death in 1680.

During his reign, Sambhaji faced numerous challenges, including wars with the Mughal Empire and the Portuguese, as well as internal conflicts among the Maratha nobles. Despite these difficulties, he was able to expand the Maratha Empire and strengthen its military and administrative systems.

Sambhaji was known for his military prowess and his strategic thinking. He led several successful campaigns against the Mughals and the Portuguese, and was able to capture several forts and territories. He also worked to improve the infrastructure of the Maratha Empire, building roads, bridges, and public buildings.

However, Sambhaji's reign was also marked by controversy and tragedy. He had a difficult relationship with his stepmother, Soyarabai, and several of his own courtiers conspired against him. In 1689, he was captured by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and brutally tortured and executed.

In just 14 years of his age, he had written three Sanskrit texts like Budhbhushanam, Nakhshikhant, Nayikabheda and Sathatak. At the age of just 13, he learned 13 languages. Sambhaji Maharaj was a great Sanskrit scholar.

Despite being mighty, he was kept away from many battles. By nature, Sambhaji Raje, who was sensitive, could go to the Mughals as per his father Shivaji Maharaj Ji so that he could mislead them. At that time the Maratha army had returned from Digvijay in the south direction and they needed time to get excited again. Therefore, Punishashlok Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj had sent him to mislead the Mughals. Later Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj freed him from the Mughals.

Despite his tragic end, Sambhaji remains a revered figure in Maratha history and is celebrated for his bravery and his contributions to the Maratha Empire.

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