China says, "India and Pakistan come together, establish better relations"
China says,

Beijing: China has urged India and Pakistan that both South Asian countries should extend a hand of friendship towards each other. Chinese envoy to India Sun Weidong said that China wants India and Pakistan to have good relations and both work together to establish peace and stability in the region.

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Recently speaking to the media about the talks between Indian PM Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Chinese envoy has said that both India and China are the main nations of the region, which have influence over the region. There was a very deep dialogue between the two leaders regarding the local situation. Soon said that China has insisted that it will establish good relations between China India, China Pakistan and India and Pakistan with full devotion.

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He said that we hope that the countries of the region will come together to establish peace and stability for development and prosperity. Regarding the action taken by the FATF against Pakistan, the Chinese envoy has said that we have appealed to all countries to increase international participation to fight terrorism.

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