Chinese President Xi Jinping to embark Tibetan capital Lhasa
Chinese President Xi Jinping  to embark Tibetan capital Lhasa

Chinese President Xi Jinping has made an unannounced visit to Tibet.  International Campaign for Tibet (ICT),  said, "Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Tibet is an indication of how high Tibet continues to figure in Chinese policy considerations, given that the visit is connected to the 70th anniversary of the falsely claimed 'peaceful liberation' of Tibet.".

"Severe floods were impacting China's Henan province even as Xi was in Tibet. However, the way in which the visit was organised and the complete absence of any immediate state media coverage of the visit indicate that Tibet continues to be a sensitive issue and that the Chinese authorities do not have confidence in their legitimacy among the Tibetan people." The ICT quoting a source said Xi first landed at Mainling airport in Nyingtri, in southeast Tibet, on July 20.

The President was also seen addressing a gathering in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, where he stated that "as long as we follow the Communist Party and as long as we stick to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will surely realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as planned". He said, the public should work for the rejuvenation of China and the next 100 years of the Chinese Communist Party.

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