Clean your car like this to get rid of corona
Clean your car like this to get rid of corona

In this present age of today, there is no such person who is not troubled by the rising of Corona. The havoc of this virus has increased so much that hundreds of people are coming in its grip every day. This virus has killed thousands of people so far. It is still being speculated that soon this disease will be overcome. Not only this virus has affected the human life of people, but the fear of this virus has created panic in the whole world today.

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Home of the steering veal virus: To prevent the spread of coronavirus, it is necessary to clean the areas of the car daily, which are often touched. Your car's steering wheel is home to a variety of viruses. To eliminate such viruses, use a disinfectant and clean the steering wheel. Regular cleaning of the car door handles, gear shifter, AC button, radio knob, outside rearview mirror, center console and cupholders using the disinfectant.

Clean the touchscreen like this: To clean the car's touchscreen, use a microfiber cloth and special wipes to clean the leather surface. Clean the dashboard and all other places that have to be touched due to some reason. Cleaning of AC vents and floor mats is very important. Quick service or cleaning of AC unit will be better.

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Keep these important things in the car: To keep the coronavirus from spreading, you must keep a tissue box, hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes in your car. When sitting in the car and getting out of the car, use the hand sanitizer.

Seat cleaning: The seat of the car is a place where the virus can remain for a long time. The special thing is that the driver and passenger are constantly in contact with it. In this case, it is very important to sanitize the seats of the car. Before cleaning the seats, it is better to clean the seats using wet cloth and Miles soap. Similarly, the belt and buttons of the seatbelt should also be cleaned. Always keep in mind that whenever cleaning the car, wear disposable gloves.

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