This delicious coconut Barfi recipe will bring water to your mouth!
This delicious coconut Barfi recipe will bring water to your mouth!

This festival welcome guests with coconut barfi, so today we are going to share the recipe of coconut barfi.

Welcome guests on the occasion of festival with Betel leaf recipe!

Material required:

Grated 2 cups of coconut

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of water

2 cardamom

1 tsp ghee + few drops to smooth the bottom

Know the recipe of Paneer Makhni, garnish it with cashew

Method of making: First of all, peel the green cardamom and coarsely crush the seeds. Now grease the tray or the bottom of the tray with a few drops of ghee and keep it aside. Then heat the pan and grate the coconut, fry it on a medium flame for about 2-3 minutes. Then boil sugar and water in another pan. After the first boil reduces the heat and cook until sugar syrup thickens. The two-wire syrup will be right for this dish.

To check the syrup of two-wire, pull one drop syrup between your two fingers, if two wires are formed between the fingers then the syrup is perfect. Then in the syrup Add the roasted coconut, cardamom and ghee and mix well and cook the mixture for about two minutes while stirring continuously. Then spread the mixture on a smooth curry tray/plate repeatedly. Please be cool about 8-10 minutes for Er. So when the frozen Barfi good coconut then served cut it into the desired shape.

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