'We are the bearers of change, not rebels ' says Vivek Tankha on the CWC meeting
'We are the bearers of change, not rebels ' says Vivek Tankha on the CWC meeting

New Delhi: The Congress Working Committee (CWC) met on Monday through video conferencing for about 7 hours. At this meeting, a letter written to Sonia Gandhi on behalf of 23 Congress leaders was fiercely fierce. Meanwhile, there were also reports that former Congress President Rahul Gandhi even called these 23 leaders as adversaries.

However, by the evening, the situation became normal. Now on Tuesday, Member of the Upper House Vivek Tankha has given a statement in this matter. He says that the signatories in the letter are not anti but they are the carriers of change. Please tell that among these 23 leaders, the name of Vivek Tankha is also included, who wrote a letter to Sonia Gandhi.

Rajya Sabha member Vivek Tankha tweeted on his official Twitter handle on Tuesday, saying, 'Friends, we are not adversaries, but are the carriers of change. The letter was not intended to challenge the party leadership. Rather it is a hallmark to strengthen the party. Universal truth is the best defense, whether it is court or public affairs. History accepts the brave, not the cowards.

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