2 cucumbers can relieve the pain of your feet, know the method!
2 cucumbers can relieve the pain of your feet, know the method!

The festive season continues and people also take various treatments to make themselves beautiful. In such a situation, there are some tips that you adopt and become beautiful. In this way, you have to take great care of your face as well as your feet. Just like you would play Garba at the time of Navratri and in such a situation your feet and soles are affected. Dance causes pain in the soles and may also cause blackness. Not only this, but it can also cause blisters on the feet. In this case, you are going to tell about how to take care of your feet.

If you like to eat potatoes, then use this method to cook it, fat will not increase

necessary ingredients

2 cucumbers
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Avoid skin infections like this during the rainy season

Prepare like this

Blend in a blender by adding cucumber, lemon juice, and olive oil.

Put this paste in a bowl and heat it slightly.

After this, keep half the mixture in one bucket and half the mixture in another bucket.

Put one foot in both buckets and sit.

Keep your feet in buckets for five to ten minutes and then wash them with warm water. After this, scrub the feet and after drying, apply cold cream full of vitamin E.

Cucumbers will give tired feet to rest and olive oil will help in moisturizing the feet deeply.

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