Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim, wife test positive for corona
Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim, wife test positive for corona

There is big news about Dawood Ibrahim, the world-famous underworld don. Actually, Corona has hit Dawood. After this incident came to light, Dawood's guards and other staff have been quarantined. Not only Dawood but Dawood's wife Mahzabeen have also test positive and both have been admitted to a military hospital in Karachi. With this, let us also tell you that in Karachi, Pakistan, the cases of corona are constantly increasing, many cases are coming up every day.

The growing figure is surprising everyone. At the same time, this thing is being denied by Pakistan. According to top sources, this news is completely true and Dawood and his wife have been taken to the Military Hospital for treatment. Let us also tell you that Dawood Ibrahim has been hiding in Pakistan with his family for a long time. India has also given strong evidence that Dawood Ibrahim is in Pakistan, despite this, Pakistan has been refusing to accept this.

Let us tell you that Dawood is the mastermind of the 1993 Mumbai blasts and not only that, but he is also an underworld don. In today's time, the whole world knows about underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, but very little information about his family has been revealed. Dawood has four children, including three daughters Mahrukh, Mahrin and Maria, while there is a son named Moin. Not only this, Dawood's name has also been associated with Bollywood's best actress Mandakini.

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