Deepika Padukone achieved many feats in her life and have gained fame from Bollywood to Hollywood. She set many examples in the acting world, whether it is for fashion, style or acting she has a great fan following in every field. The actresses have achieved the feat of being a face at Evening Standard Magazine, a weekly addition which is dedicated to London lifestyle, fashion & beauty. The fans eagerly wait for her one or other secrets. In an interview at BTS shoot of the magazine cover, she revealed many of her secrets which you would like to know about your favourite.
The lady full of elegance was answering every question by painting or writing on a whiteboard. Firstly she was questioned about her favourite animal for which she draws a weird animal which is never seen and state lioness as her favourite with the reason that the animal “is fearless”.
Next, she was asked about her favourite emoji. While showing a picture of “coiled pile of faeces which usually adorned with a ‘friendly smile’", she laughed and mentioned the reason as: “It's cute because they have made a human being out of it…..I think it has feeling and emotions.” Well, that was a content answer.
“Draw your favourite food” was the next command for her and she notoriously scribbled image of ‘rice’ which was also not looked like rice.
After this, she has to sketch the portrait of herself which was looking like a man and she expressed: “I look like a man, this was meant to puff(while addressing her hairstyle)…I think there is a puff here, so I was trying to achieve that,”
Then came a very interesting question: “strangest thing anyone has ever said to you”, to which she beautifully answered “..and I was serving myself, and he says where are you from?..and I said I am from India…He says no, you are from paradise.”
Deepika stated “I love cleaning, like the fact that this isn’t a straight line right now and the cloth is all folded and messed up, bothers me” as an answer where she was asked about “one thing no one know about her”. While closing Deepika with a smiling face appraises the interview answer said “Thank you! I did a lot of these but this was unique”.
I am damn sure that you just want to watch the video then please have a look: