Diwali in 'Jalsa' by the great Bachchans
Diwali in 'Jalsa'  by the great Bachchans

The festival of Diwali gets all the more cheerfulness if one celebrates it with the family and that is precisely done by the great Bachchans on this Diwali. They decided to not celebrate it with much showiness and the primary reason for that has to be out of respect for Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s father who met with his angels in March 2017. The celebrations were toned down but the Bachchan family had a small puja. Amitabh Bachchan shared the pictures from his favorite social media website Twitter.

 Big B recently celebrated his birthday with his family in Maldives and even that was not a fancy affair. The family spent time with each other on a calm vacation but strong-willed on not to throw a party.

Amitabh Bachchan wished his followers a Happy Diwali earlier in the day. And in the evening he shared pictures from the Lakshmi puja with the caption, “T 2585 – दीपावली की अनेक अनेक शुभकामनएँ , स्नेह आदर और प्यार !

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