Do you get the exact result of your trouble through internet and app?
Do you get the exact result of your trouble through internet and app?

Research published today in the Medical Journal of Australia regarding Internet search shows that online symptom checkers for ankle pain or any discomfort only give one-third accurate results.

For your information, let us tell you that the study analyzed 36 international mobile and web-based symptom checkers, which covers about 40 percent of Australians. Those who use the online medium to find a solution to their problem. After which the result has come out that the results of websites and apps should be viewed very carefully because they do not fully reflect the results of the symptoms.

After this research, the researcher believes that if you should seek in-person healthcare, more accurate results will be found. We have found that in cases of emergency and urgent care, up to 60 percent of medical advice proves to be appropriate. But in non-emergency situations, medical advice has fallen 30 to 40 percent.

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