Do you know? WhatsApp brings two Features for Android and iOS Users
Do you know? WhatsApp brings two Features for Android and iOS Users

WhatsApp brings two features like voicemail and call back support for Android and iOS both users. With WhatsApp version 2.16.229 on Android and 2.16.8 on iOS, you can now leave a voice message when a contact doesn’t pick up a call.

Once the call is disconnected, it pops up three options asking if you want to “Cancel”, “Call Back”, or leave a “Voice Message”. Hold down the voice message button to record and release to save and send once you’re done.

However, while you can swipe to delete and record a new message, it’s currently not possible to listen to your voicemail before sending it, just like the voice messages you can leave in chat.

In addition the “secret” font has also made it into the WhatsApp update. All you have to do is type “` before and after your text to see it. For instance, type “`Hello“`.

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