Due to this disease, woman's hand became like shark fish, people were scared to see
Due to this disease, woman's hand became like shark fish, people were scared to see

These days, a post is going very viral on social media in which a woman's hand has become like the head of a shark fish. She shared the picture of her hand and said, "I had no idea that my hands would look like the head of a shark." In fact, this woman was gripped by a deadly disease. The 34-year-old woman's name is Sadie Kempo. She lives with her two children. One day, suddenly she felt a sharp pain in the kidneys. After which she immediately reached the hospital. Here she was given a pain killer and sent back home. And it was said that if the health deteriorates again, then she should come again.

The very next day Sadie reached the hospital again. After which she was unconscious for two weeks. According to doctors, Sadie was suffering from this pain due to a kidney stone. Because of this, she got infected. which later took the form of sepsis. Sepsis is a deadly disease, where the body starts attacking its own tissue and organ. Because of this, Sadie's fingers had to be cut apart. Later, the doctors sewed her hand with a part of the stomach, so that blood could reach her arms. And when Sadie's hand was taken out of the stomach, she began to look very different.

Sadie, a resident of Peterborough in Britain, made a video about it. She said that her new hand appeared to be that of a shark. "When I first saw my hand and tried to move my thumb, I was surprised. It looked like a shark. However, she said he didn't think it would go viral. There are more than 60 million views on one of Sadie's videos. It has been liked by 2.1 million users.  

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