In a recent announcement, the Election Commission revealed that it has confiscated a staggering amount of cash and alcohol in Karnataka. Since the enforcement of the model code of conduct on March 16, authorities have seized Rs 45.67 crore in cash and alcoholic beverages valued at over Rs 146 crore. This has led to the filing of 1,544 FIRs related to these seizures. The total value of all seizures to date stands at an impressive Rs 292.74 crore.
The state is gearing up for general elections across its 28 constituencies, scheduled to take place in two phases on April 26 and May 7.
According to a statement from the office of the Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer, various enforcement teams, including flying squads, static surveillance teams, and law enforcement agencies, have been instrumental in these confiscations. Alongside the cash and alcohol seizures, authorities have also intercepted narcotic substances worth Rs 9.70 crore, gold valued at Rs 10.81 crore, and freebies amounting to Rs 7.73 crore.
Furthermore, the Excise Department has been proactive in addressing related offenses. It has registered 1,938 cases categorized as heinous, along with 2,400 cases involving breaches of license conditions. Additionally, there have been 118 cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS), and 11,790 cases under Section 15(a) of the Karnataka Excise Act 1965. The enforcement efforts have also led to the seizure of 1,172 vehicles across different categories.
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