Extended curfew: Time limit for shops in Tamil Nadu
Extended curfew: Time limit for shops in Tamil Nadu

During the second wave of corona in Tamil Nadu, the number of victims exceeded 35,000 per day. Subsequently, the number of victims was brought under control by government measures, including restrictions and the intensity of vaccination efforts. The number of corona infections has been on the rise in various parts of the state for the past few days, with the daily incidence being 1500. In Tamil Nadu, 1,997 new cases of corona were confirmed yesterday alone. Thus, there is a fear that the third wave has begun. Bed facilities are being set up in hospitals to prepare for it.

At the same time, permission has been denied to open shops in major crowded places in Chennai. In Coimbatore, vegetable and grocery stores are already restricted to operating only from 6 am to 5 pm. 144 bans have been enforced in certain areas of Perambalur district. Except for essential activities including pharmacies, milk and vegetables, all other outlets are allowed to operate only from 10 am to 1 pm. In addition, the authorities have intensified curfew in some districts to cope with the damage.

The current curfew is expected to end on the morning of the 9th. Therefore, medical experts are of the opinion that large-scale damage can be prevented only if strict controls are implemented. They also point out to the government that the corona came under control because of the intensification of restrictions during the second wave.


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