Follow these special tips to lose weight
Follow these special tips to lose weight

Dieting and gymming are often recommended for weight loss, but some people find it difficult to lose weight even with these methods. At the same time, there are many people who prefer light and easy exercises like walking instead of intense workouts. Walking has always been considered beneficial for physical and mental health. Many researches around the world have proved that walking helps a lot in weight loss and also reduces the risk of heart diseases, cholesterol, and cancer. But, should walking be done on an empty stomach or after eating food? Let's know about this.

benefits of walking on an empty stomach

If you want to lose weight fast, then walking on an empty stomach is the best option. According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity, walking on an empty stomach helps melt body fat quickly. Walking for 30 to 60 minutes daily without eating anything helps reduce the fat stored in the intestines and also improves metabolism.

According to research

A research by Nottingham Trent University states that people who exercise on an empty stomach burn about 70% more fat than those who work out after eating. Therefore, walking on an empty stomach can be more beneficial.

benefits of walking after eating

If you like to walk after eating, it can also be beneficial. According to the report, it would be good to do 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 days a week. You can do 10 minutes of walking three times after meals. This will increase metabolism, boost energy and also improve blood circulation.

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