Major accident in Gurugram due to roof collapse, many buried in rubble
Major accident in Gurugram due to roof collapse, many buried in rubble

GURUGRAM: A portion of a multi-storey residential building collapsed in Gurugram adjoining the national capital on Thursday evening, a youth died while two others were buried under debris. An official gave information in this regard. Media reports have reported that the floor of the living room of the sixth-floor apartment in the Kintels Paradiso Housing Complex first fell down and then the roofs and floors below it fell straight down. 

Teams of The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) are engaged in the rescue operation. An earth-moving machine and a fire brigade vehicle were pressed into service with an elevated platform. Deputy Commissioner Nishant Yadav said one person died and efforts were being made to rescue the men buried under the debris, who was unconscious. He said a woman was also feared trapped there.

Earlier, Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar tweeted about the incident, saying the rescue operation was on. He tweeted "I am personally monitoring the situation and praying for the safety of all." Further information awaited.

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