Chennai, Tamil Nadu: On August 7, 2023, Tamil Nadu observes the fifth death anniversary of one of its most iconic leaders, Muthuvel Karunanidhi, fondly known as "Kalaignar." A towering figure in Tamil Nadu's political history, he served as the Chief Minister for five terms and was the President of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) party for almost five decades until his passing in 2018.
Karunanidhi's political journey was a remarkable one, characterized by unwavering dedication to social justice, linguistic rights, and the upliftment of the underprivileged. Throughout his tenure as Chief Minister, he implemented several welfare schemes, which significantly impacted the lives of Tamil Nadu's people. From the introduction of free educational support to the establishment of the state's healthcare infrastructure, his vision transformed the state into a model for development and progress.
Born on June 3, 1924, in a humble family, Karunanidhi rose to prominence through his exceptional writing skills and oratorical prowess. His political career began during his college days, when he actively participated in anti-Hindi imposition protests and became a vocal advocate for the Dravidian movement. His writings and speeches ignited a sense of identity and pride among Tamil speakers and laid the foundation for his future leadership.
As the Chief Minister, Karunanidhi played a pivotal role in the economic and social transformation of Tamil Nadu. He focused on empowering women, promoting education for all, and eradicating poverty. His initiatives, such as the "Midday Meal Scheme," ensured that children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds received a nutritious meal at school, thereby increasing attendance and retention rates.
Furthermore, his administration championed the cause of linguistic rights, ensuring Tamil as the official language and striving to protect and promote the Tamil culture and heritage. Karunanidhi's emphasis on Tamil identity and the Dravidian ideology strengthened the DMK's position as a significant political force in the state.
Beyond his political achievements, Karunanidhi was a prolific writer and a man of letters. He authored numerous plays, screenplays, and poems, earning him the title "Kalaignar" (the artist). His literary contributions enriched Tamil literature and further endeared him to the people of Tamil Nadu.
As Tamil Nadu commemorates the fifth anniversary of Kalaignar's demise, there will be various events organized across the state to celebrate his life and accomplishments. Eminent political leaders, artists, and citizens alike will come together to pay homage to the visionary leader who dedicated his life to the service of the people.
DMK party members and supporters will gather at his memorial in Marina Beach, Chennai, where his mortal remains were laid to rest, to offer floral tributes and remember the significant impact he had on Tamil Nadu's political landscape.
The legacy of M. Karunanidhi continues to live on in the hearts of the people of Tamil Nadu, and his principles and ideals remain the guiding light for the DMK party. As the state moves forward, it does so with the indelible imprint of his vision and the aspiration to uphold the values he cherished – justice, equality, and progress for all.