How Covid-19 trigger high sugar levels, worsen disease: Study
How Covid-19 trigger high sugar levels, worsen disease: Study

According to a new study, it is revealed that Covid-19 infection triggers hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar levels, by disrupting key fat cells, bringing high risks of severe disease and death in many patients, Hyperglycemia, the core feature of diabetes, is associated with inflammation and weakened immunity against infections, and was recognised as a significant risk factor for severe Covid-19 early in the pandemic. However, doctors later began finding evidence that Covid-19 is associated with hyperglycemia in patients who have no history of diabetes.

In the study, reported in the journal Cell Metabolism, the researchers found that the deadly infection induces hyperglycemia by disrupting fat cellsa. A production of adiponectin - a hormone produced by fat cells which normally has a protective effect against diabetes by enhancing insulin sensitivity. For the study, the team analysed the records of 3,854 patients who were hospitalised with Covid-19 in the first few months of the pandemic in the US.

They found that a remarkably high proportion (49.7 per cent) of these patients presented with hyperglycemia or developed it during their hospital stays. Further tests also revealed that the Covid-19 ARDS patients had severe declines in blood levels of adiponectin.

Hyperglycemia also occurs in patients with severe influenza or bacterial pneumonia, majorly by the death or dysfunction of beta cells that produce insulin, which is the principal hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

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