How much do you know about the world's richest leader, he has more money than Ambani-Adani
How much do you know about the world's richest leader, he has more money than Ambani-Adani

Discussions often revolve around the world's wealthiest individuals, capturing the attention of people globally. Several billionaires are frequently listed among the richest people worldwide, and the list of these affluent individuals often changes over time. Do you know which leader in the world surpasses Ambani and Adani in wealth?

In India, the names Adani and Ambani are at the top of the list of wealthy individuals. However, today we will introduce you to the world's wealthiest politician, who is richer than Ambani, Adani, and many other billionaires. The leader we are talking about is none other than Russia's President, Vladimir Putin.

According to a report, Russian President Putin possesses approximately $200 billion worth of assets. In Indian currency, this amounts to around ₹16,71,877 crore. Putin is known for his high-end lifestyle. As per the report, Putin owns an 800-square-foot apartment, a trailer, and three cars. He has been the President of Russia since 1999, and before that, he worked as a foreign intelligence officer for Russia.

Putin is fond of expensive items. He owns 19 other houses, 700 cars, 58 planes and helicopters, and a $716 million plane. Putin is also known to have a penchant for luxurious watches. He is one of the leaders who has ruled Russia for a long time.

Putin is quite famous worldwide. During the Russia-Ukraine war, he took a very firm stance. Putin is known for his strict approach and decisive actions. Recently, he was re-elected as the President of Russia with about 85 percent of the votes. Putin has also significantly contributed to making Russia a powerful and influential nation.

In India, the two names that frequently come up when discussing the wealthiest individuals are Ambani and Adani. Ambani's net worth is $110 billion, while Adani's net worth stands at $32 billion.

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