In the middle of the night, the woman who was bleeding knocked on the door of the house, she would be shocked to hear the incident
In the middle of the night, the woman who was bleeding knocked on the door of the house, she would be shocked to hear the incident

Dehradun: A car coming from Haridwar fell into a deep gorge one kilometer before Pati. Mother, son and the driver died on the spot in the accident. All the deceased were residents of Lakhanpur Lada area of ​​Pati, while a woman was badly injured. The injured woman has been taken by the family members to a private hospital in Bareilly after first aid. Similarly, if Manju Gehtori, who was injured in the accident, had not shown courage, then the car accident that happened in the night would have been detected late.

The injured Manju was also unconscious when the car fell into a 400-metre gorge. After some time she regained consciousness, in the dark, Manju reached the road from the ditch and then she reached New Colony by walking on the shortcut road. There Manju knocked on the door of neighbor Girish Patchouli at 11:30 pm. In the same night, Girish was surprised to see Manju bleeding. He somehow managed himself and immediately called the police and emergency services. The injured Manju was taken to the primary health center of Pati in an ambulance of emergency service 108.

Patchouli says that once due to this whole incident, there was darkness in front of his eyes. He did not understand what to do but then he calmed down and informed the people around him including the police and emergency services by phone. After this people went to the spot and carried out rescue work. If Manju had not reached the neighbor's house showing courage, it would have been late to know about the accident. People say that the place where the car fell into the ditch, that part of the road is covered with trees and plants. Everyone is shocked to hear the same incident.

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