India and Japan Set to Strengthen Naval Defense Ties with New Antenna Deal
India and Japan Set to Strengthen Naval Defense Ties with New Antenna Deal

India is on the verge of finalizing a deal to acquire advanced naval ship antennas from Japan, marking a significant step in strengthening defense cooperation between the two nations. The agreement is expected to be announced during the upcoming 2+2 meeting, which will bring together foreign and defense ministers from both countries in New Delhi on Tuesday.

This meeting, known as the 2+2 dialogue, will be the first of its kind since September 2022, and it highlights the ongoing efforts to enhance strategic ties between India and Japan. During their previous meeting, the ministers explored opportunities for expanding cooperation, and the upcoming talks aim to solidify concrete measures for advancing collaboration in defense equipment.

The antennas, developed by NEC and other leading Japanese companies, are currently installed on Japan’s most advanced escort ships, operated by the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. These state-of-the-art antennas have the capability to quickly detect missile and drone movements, enhancing the effectiveness of defense operations.

By adopting the same equipment, India and Japan will be better equipped to coordinate during joint defense exercises, facilitating smoother information sharing between the two nations.

Historically, India has relied heavily on Russian weapons, given the longstanding ties between the two countries. However, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, India has been diversifying its defense procurement to reduce its dependence on Russia. The upcoming deal with Japan is part of this broader strategy.

Japan and India have already established an agreement on the transfer of defense equipment and technology, laying the groundwork for further defense collaboration. The 2+2 meeting will also focus on reinforcing an international order based on the rule of law, especially in light of recent global events, including Russia’s actions in Ukraine and China’s growing military presence.

In addition to the antenna deal, the two nations are expected to agree on enhancing the quality and frequency of joint military exercises, not only between Japan and India but also in collaboration with the other Quad members, the United States and Australia.

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