The popular comedian Kapil Sharama made a comeback with a bang. His comeback on TV with the second season of The Kapil Sharma Show which is reciving rave reviews from the audience. But now, it seems that Kapil have landed himself in trouble already.
According to reports, Kapil took the liberty of not following a certain part of the script which has not with other crew members. Apparently, while interacting with a female audience on the show, Kapil said, “Agar papa saath mein nahi aaye hote, to main aur baatein karta.” The crew members were reportedly upset with this statement of Kapil and went ahead to complain to the producer of the show, Salman Khan about warning Kapil about saying things that might land him in trouble.However, report also suggests that the woman was not offended by Kapil’s comment but the crew did get a little alarmed with it. Crew members apparently asked Salman to ask Kapil to stick to the script and not digress at all.
Kapil made a comeback with the second season of TKSS on December 29, 2019 . The show is getting positve reviews from the audience.