Lathi charge on father while carrying child in lap, Varun Gandhi furious
Lathi charge on father while carrying child in lap, Varun Gandhi furious

Kanupar Dehat: A video of police brutality has surfaced from Kanupar village in Uttar Pradesh which has angered people. You can see a policeman pelting sticks at a man in this video and the child is crying on the lap of the person with whom this shameful act has taken place. The video is less than a minute and it can be clearly seen in this video that the person who was being killed was repeatedly appealing to the police not to kill the child, not kill them, but the policeman was not ready to accept it.



The video is currently going viral on social media and the video has been receiving severe criticism from the UP police. It is also being reported that the SHO who pelted sticks has been suspended. On the other hand, the police have clarified that the man who was being killed and his brother were creating chaos in the hospital. BJP┬аMP Varun Gandhi has also reacted to the issue. He tweeted, "Strong law and order is where the weakest of the weak can get justice. It is very painful that those seeking justice face this brutality instead of justice. A frightened society is not an example of the rule of law. Strong law and order is where there is fear of law, not of the police.''

The police had resorted to this lathi charge over the protest by the staff of the district hospital. In fact, the staff was protesting against the excavation next to the hospital because its soil was flying all over the hospital.

The father was carrying the child in his lap and the police kept beating him

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