Karnataka Govt increases DA for govt staff by 2.75pc
Karnataka Govt  increases DA for govt staff by 2.75pc

The Karnataka government announced a raise in Dearness Allowance (DA) under the 7th Pay Commission on Tuesday, much to the delight of its employees. In the 2018 updated pay scales, the state government revised the DA rate payable to state government employees.

Karnataka state government employees will receive 27.25 percent DA from January 1, 2022, up 2.75 percent from the current 24.50 percent. The government stated in its ruling that the payment of DA arrears will not be made until the date of salary disbursement for the month of March 2022. In addition, the DA will be shown as a separate component of payment and will not be considered pay for any purpose.

Full-time government employees, zila panchayat personnel, work-charged employees on regular time scales of pay, and full-time employees of aided educational institutions and universities on regular time scales of pay will be affected by these instructions.

The announcement comes less than a week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Union Cabinet agreed on March 30, a 3 percent hike in the Dearness Allowance (DA) for central government employees, beginning January 1, 2022.

DA for government employees to hike by 3 pc

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