As preparations continue for the Maha Kumbh Mela set to begin in January, the Central Hospital in Mahakumbhnagar, Prayagraj, celebrated the birth of a baby girl on December 30. This marks the second day in a row of deliveries, following the birth of a baby boy on Sunday. With the families' consent, the girl has been named ‘Ganga,’ and the boy has been named ‘Kumbh.’
Two babies were born at the 100-bed hospital set up on the mela grounds, symbolizing the spirit of the event. The boy, born on Saturday, was named Kumbh, while the girl, born on Sunday, was named Ganga.
The Joyous Births
Kumbh’s parents, hailing from Kaushambi, had arrived in Prayagraj in search of work. Meanwhile, Ganga’s parents, residents of Banda, had come to take a holy dip at the Sangam. Both families expressed gratitude for the timely medical facilities available at the hospital.
Dr. Gaurav Dubey, who oversees the hospital, shared that both mothers and their newborns were in excellent health. He added, “The parents of the girl considered her a divine blessing from the river Ganga, which inspired her name. This event showcases our preparedness to cater to medical needs during the Mahakumbh.”
Medical Facilities at the Mela Grounds
The 100-bed temporary hospital on the Parade Ground is the largest healthcare setup for the Mahakumbh, complemented by two 20-bed hospitals and several eight-bed units to serve the anticipated influx of pilgrims. Even the army has extended its support, setting up 10-bed ICUs at the hospital.
A diverse team of 291 MBBS doctors, 90 specialists in Ayurveda and Unani medicine, and 181 nurses will provide round-the-clock medical services. Additionally, the Netra Kumbh, a special initiative for vision care, will be a major highlight this year.
Netra Kumbh: Focusing on Eye Health
The Netra Kumbh, introduced in the 2019 Kumbh, aims to spread awareness about eye health and provide free vision correction services. With a budget of ₹9.15 crore, this initiative plans to conduct eye exams for approximately five lakh devotees, distribute three lakh spectacles, and perform cataract surgeries.
Around 150 doctors and 400 medical practitioners will participate in the Netra Kumbh. Attendees needing advanced care will be referred to hospitals in their home regions, ensuring comprehensive support for eye health.
Prepared for the Grand Event
The Mahakumbh, set to begin on January 13, 2025, will welcome millions of devotees from across the globe. The robust medical infrastructure, including the successful handling of these two births, highlights the readiness of authorities to cater to both routine and emergency medical needs.