Manish Tewari trains gun at Pranab Mukherjee for attending RSS event
Manish Tewari  trains gun at Pranab Mukherjee for attending RSS event

NEW DELHI:Row Senior Congress leader Manish Tewari on Friday condemned  the former president Pranab Mukherjee over he chose to attend the RSS event.

There are two groups in Congress one who lauded former president Pranab Mukherjee's speech at the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) event in Nagpur while another expressed their dissent.

Taking to a Twiiter Manish Tewari trained a gun at Pranab Mukherjee as saying "May I ask you a question that you still have not answered that is bothering millions of Secularists and Pluralists. Why did you choose to go to the RSS headquarters and deliver homilies on Nationalism? Your generation cautioned mine in training camp after training camp through 80’s & 90’s about the intent & designs of RSS. You were a part of the Govt that banned RSS in 1975 & then again in 1992. Don’t you think you should tell us what was evil about RSS then that has become virtuous now? Either what we were told then was wrong or your lending respectability if not legitimacy to RSS by the act of association is not kosher given your stature in Public life. Was it an attempt at ideological rapprochement/lowering bitterness in political firmament/positioning as cynics suggest”.

"Whatever the motivation was it will be seen as just an attempt to mainstream RSS in secular and pluralistic consciousness. History tells us when Nazi’s were strutting around Europe in black berets Chamberlain thru Munich Pact- 1938 thought he had bought the ‘Peace of our Times’.What a false dawn it was," he ctriticized.

On the other hand Senior Congress leader and former finance minister P Chidambaram tweeted that he was happy that the former president highlighted Congress's ideology during the speech.

"Happy that Mr Pranab Mukherjee told the RSS what is right about Congress's ideology? It was his way of saying what is wrong about RSS's ideology," Chidambaram tweeted.

Other Congress leaders Anand Sharma and Randeep Surjewala also cheered Mukherjee’s speech at the event.


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