McConnell: Trump is "unlikely" to be elected president after hosting Fuentes
 McConnell: Trump is

USA: Top two Republicans in the US Congress finally spoke out on Tuesday over former President Donald Trump's dinner with white supremacist Nick Fuentes, declaring that there is neither anti-Semitism nor white supremacy in the Republican Party. is the location.

When Republicans regained control of the Senate in January, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and Representative Kevin McCarthy, who could take over as speaker of the US House of Representatives, previously did not comment regarding the November 22 meeting. It was

Trump officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign on November 15 and is leading among Republican voters per poll.

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Without naming Trump, McConnell told reporters, "There is no place in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy, and in my view, anyone who meets with people who advocate this point of view has ever been president." Not likely to be selected." United States of america."

When asked whether he would support Trump if he became the party's 2024 presidential nominee, McConnell replied, "That would apply to all party leaders seeking offices."

After speaking with President Joe Biden, McCarthy was questioned by reporters at the White House about his opinion of the Trump dinner.
McCarthy, the minority leader in the House, declared, "I don't think anybody should be spending time with Nick Fuentes."

"His views have no place in the Republican Party or in this country as a whole." Trump claims the encounter at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, was unintentional, but the gathering drew unusual criticism from fellow Republicans, some of whom accused Trump of encouraging extremism.

The remarks by McCarthy and McConnell on Tuesday first referred to the Trump dinner.

The US Justice Department has labeled Fuentes a white supremacist. According to the Anti-Defamation League, Fuentes reportedly once "jokingly denied the Holocaust and compared Jews burned in concentration camps to cookies in an oven."

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While serving as president, Trump failed to explicitly condemn white nationalists, whose August 2017 rally on a college campus in Charlottesville, Virginia, was seen as inciting violence by counter-demonstrators, resulting in a The person had died.

At the time, Trump said, "You also had people who were very good people on both sides."

On Monday, Mike Pence, a former vice president under Trump, later demanded an apology for meeting with Fuentes.
Pence said in a televised interview with NewsNation that "President Trump was wrong to give a seat at the table to a white nationalist, an anti-Semite, and a Holocaust denier, and I think he should apologize. "
McCarthy brought up a claim made by Trump that he was unaware of Fuentes.

"I hate his philosophy. In his opinion Fuentes has no place in society.

Fuentes dined with Ye, a musician formerly known as Kanye West, who has also come under fire for making anti-Semitic remarks.
"The president will meet with whomever he chooses.

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But in my opinion no one should meet with Nick Fuentes, and his opinion should not be discussed in the Republican Party or across the country," McCarthy said.

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