Meet Six Patidars of Rupani ‘s cabinet council of ministers in Gujarat
Meet Six Patidars of Rupani ‘s  cabinet council of ministers  in Gujarat


Gandhinagar (Gujarat) [India], Dec 26 (NT): The 20 ministers, who took oath in the newly formed council of ministers in Gujarat under the leadership of Vijay Ruupani today, include six Patidar leaders, and only one woman.

Patidar ministers along with ex-state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Ranchhodbhai Chanabhai Faldu who represents the Jamnagar South constituency, Kaushik Patel representing Naranpura constituency, and Minister of State Kishor Kanani,  are among others in cabinet council of ministers in Gujarat.

Minister of State Vibhavariben Dave is the only woman and Brahmin on the Council. She is also a three-time MLA.

Furthermore, the Council comprises five Other Backward Class (OBCs), three Scheduled Tribes (ST), three Kshatriyas and one Scheduled Caste (SC).

The 10-member cabinet led by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and 10 ministers of state sworn-in at the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah, in Gandhinagar today.

It is worth mentioning here that during the election, Congress had intended at stocking Patidar votes to swing the votes in its favor, by promising to give reservation to the Patidar community if it formed the government in the state.

On the other hand, the results showed that the Patidar community was divided in regarding its loyalty between both rival parties.







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