Modi government's big move against Corona, made this plan to prevent infection
Modi government's big move against Corona, made this plan to prevent infection

New Delhi: The Modi government at the Center has changed the strategy to investigate the coronavirus infection. According to the new strategy, now people in the hotspot or cluster areas or displaced centers will be tested for coronavirus in which the symptoms of influenza of fever, cough, cough or runny nose will be detected. This test will be conducted within seven days of the illness and seven days after the illness.

Till now, corona examination of admitted patients was being done in hospitals with severe respiratory disease, shortness of breath and fever cough. Such people were being investigated, who have done international travel in the last 14 days and they did not show any symptoms first and then started coming forward. Apart from these, all such people who came in contact with the infected person in which symptoms were found, were also being investigated. Apart from these, all such health workers were also being investigated, in which symptoms have been revealed.

Let us tell you that the danger of coronavirus is constantly increasing. There is a continuous increase in the cases of corona in the whole country. So far, the number of corona patients in the country has increased to 6,412, while 199 people have lost their lives so far. 504 people have come out of the grip of this virus.

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