Maggie lovers be careful! Woman eating Maggi while watching TV died
Maggie lovers be careful! Woman eating Maggi while watching TV died

Nowadays there are many stories that have been shocking. Now today we are going to tell you about one such shocking story. In fact, this case is from Mumbai and is related to Maggi. There's hardly anyone who doesn't like Maggie. This is a great food to eliminate your hunger. However, for a woman in Mumbai, the same Maggi proved fatal. In fact, there is no defect in Maggi, but it was the woman who accidentally put rat-killing poison in it.

It is being told that before dying, the woman had told the police in her statement that she had poisoned the tomato to kill the rat, but while watching TV, she accidentally cut the poisoned tomato and mixed it with Maggi and ate it. Yes, and despite being treated for about a week, the woman could not be saved. The case is said to be from Mumbai's Malad area. According to a report that emerged, the 35-year-old woman's name was Rekha Devi Nishad. She lived with her husband and brother-in-law at Pascal Bari on Marve Road. According to the police, on July 20, the woman was alone in the house. Her husband and brother-in-law went to work.

During this time, she accidentally put poisoned tomatoes in Maggi and ate it. A few hours later, when her health started deteriorating, the husband and brother-in-law who came home took her to Shatabdi Hospital. The woman died on Wednesday after being treated for a week. At the same time, police say that before dying, the woman had said in the statement that she had poisoned a tomato to kill rats in the house. While watching TV, he accidentally cut the same tomatoes and put it in his Maggi and ate it.

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